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Information on applications for Study Abroad are available on our How to Apply page or in our office in FO 111.
Deadlines for study abroad
Your application to Study Abroad, Intern, or Student Teach, Faculty Evaluation for Study Abroad, letter of reccommendation, personal essay, passport photo and date page and resumer are all due the Semester before your first INS 299 class.
Your Student Statement of evidence of Financial Support for Study Abroad is due June 1 if you plan to study abraod in fall, and November 1 if you plan to study abroad in the spring.
What universities can I go to?
A complete lists of all our conections and available universities can be found on our Semester/year- long page.
Do they all teach in English?
The majority of the universities that we have partnerships with offer classes taught in English. Students can check the language of instruction under the descriptions of each university on our Semester/Year-long page.
Where can I stay when I'm abroad?
All of our exchange universities present students with the option to live on campus in one of the dormitory units. Some universities greatly encourage students to apply to stay with a host family for a greater cultural immersion experience.
How will my credits transfer?
The IIC requires students to fill out a Course Equivalency form when preparing to study abroad. Students can browse the host university's course offerings as provided by the IIC. Students must set up an appointment with their academic advisor and bring a copy of their Academic Evaluation to the meeting to negotiate which course credits are equivalent. When the form is signed and completed it is recommended to make mulitple copies for the student and advisor.
A visa is a legal document issued by the government of the host country, setting the terms and conditions for entry and length of stay for foreign nationals. You may obtain information about applying for a student visa at the embassy website of the country or countries in which you plan to study, teach, intern, work, or visit. You can locate your local embassy at the Foreign Embassy website.
What is a passport and how do I apply?
A passport is an internationally recognized travel document that verifies the identity and nationality of the bearer. A valid passpiort is required to enter and leave most
countries internationally. only the U.S. Department of State has the authority to grant, issues or verify U.S. Passports. Passport applications are available on the U.S. Department of State website.
What is the difference between a passport card and passport book?
A passport card is a travel document that can be used to enter the United States from Canada, mexico, the Caibbean, and bermuda at land border crossings or sea ports-of-entry. It cannot be used for international air travel whereas a Passport book is valid for international travel by air, sea or land. if you have a passport card and need a passport book, you can follow the renewal process here.
Alverno College requires that you have health and medical insurance for the duration of your time abroad that includes coverage for medical evacuation or any other medical emergency. Also, many countries require you to provide proof of insurance in order to obtain a visa and sometimes at the port of entry.
How do I apply for international health insurance?
health insurance coverage is included in some programs but if it is not, the IIC will enroll you in an insurance plan and the premium cost will be added to your Alverno student tuition bill. This requirement cannot be waived and the health insurance you may use int he U.S. will bot be usable abroad.
Do I need extra vaccinations?
When traveling to certain countries, particular vaccinations are required. your health care provider should be able to provide you with the information regarding what vaccinations are required when leaving the country and the university abroad will provide information regarding what vaccinations are needed in order for a student to enroll.
A Short-Term Study Abroad (STSA) course is a credit-bearing course that begins with in-class instruction throughout the semester and concludes with a 10-14 day period of travel in a particular country. Courses may be offered in the fall, spring, or summer semester.
Who may participate in STSA's?
You may be 18 years or older to participate, however you do not need to be enrolled as an Alverno student to participate. Click here for more information.
What are the focuses of STSA's?
STSA courses focus on specific aspects of a country or culture such as healthcare, religious practices, historical experiences, the arts, and many other dimensions. you get the chance to experience another country or culture and its people as well as its geography, history, economics, environment and political aspects.
How much do STSA's cost?
With STSA's you pay regular tuition per credit for the STSA and the cost of travel. Alverno faculty members work carefully to determine the lowest price possible that will pay for the travel costs (flight, train, etc), lodging, meals, and entry fees. health insurance is required and is included int he trip cost.
How do i pay for STSA's?
STSA's are considered apart of your coursework at Alverno and scholarships and financial aid may be used to pay for it. Yo0u may also apply for a Travelship, which is a form of financial assistance that is paid back through service hours. When you register for an STSA, an estimated course fee/trip cost is added to the next semester's billing statement. you may work with student accounts to arrange a payment plan for the trip cost. By the first day of your STSA class, all students are responsible and expected to have an establsihed a payment plan for the course.
How do i enroll in an STSA?
After determining that you meet the prerequisites listed in IOL for the course, a deposit of $150 is required to be submitted to Student Accounts. Student Accounts will then notify the registrar that you are eligible to enroll in an STSA. Once you are permitted to register for the course, you may simply enroll in IOl.
A travelship is financial assistance awarded to supplement a student’s own contribution for travel costs and fees. The travelship is offered by Alverno College and meant to be paid back through service to the college.
What is a Travelship used for?
Travelship can be used for study abroad, course required travel, independent international study, travel study within the united states, travel required internships or professional conferences or seminars.
Who can apply for travelship?
Any Alverno Student in good standing is eligible to apply, however, priority will be given to undergraduate students when considering awards.
How to apply for travelship
Interested students must stop by the International and Intercultural center, located in FO 111, to register to apply. An electronic application form will be sent to you. You must complete the application, Leadership Commitment form and submit two letters of recommendation from faculty members or advisors.
The Leadership Commitment is the plan you submit at the time of your application. The Commitment details the services you plan to provide to repay the funding for your Travelship. For every amount of $10 awarded, one hour of service must be completed. Your Leadership Commitment must be approved and signed by the person supervising your leadership commitment.
How much emphasis is placed on the Leadership Commitment plan?
Since this is how you will repay the financial assisatnce, the committee strongly considers the creativity and innovation by each student. It is important to be very thoughtful when completing this part of the application. If you have questions about the plan, you are encouraged to attend the information sessions or make arrangements to speak with a committee member in the IIC.
How much funding can i request?
Travelship awards are for no less than $50 and no more than $1000. The Travelship application includes a budget worksheet to help you determine the amount you will need.
Important information and deadlines.
Financial need is not the only factor considered when making a decision. Committee members may also take into account the personal statement, faculty reccommendations and the strength of the leadership commitment plan. There will be 2-3 members on the committee interview panel and these members are mainly faculty and staff members.
The deadline for travelships to be awarded for the spring semester is typically the first Friday in April and the deadline for fall is typically the first friday in november. It is important that you ask for the exact deadline when registering.
Students should apply for Travelship atleast one semester before they travel. Be aware that if you apply in the same semester as your travel, it is possible you may not receive your award in time. You can however, be reimbursed if your are awarded travelship.
The Travelship award is not a loan. It is about giving back to the college. Sudents are urged to be as creative as possible in how the accomplish providing service to Alverno. It is a way to incorporate some of their abilities. projects involving effective citizenship, developing a global perspective, communication and social interaction are great resources for designing innovative ways to contribute to Alverno.
More more information on travelship click here to view our Travelship Brochure.