Give back to the place that helped you become #AlvernoStrong by volunteering at an upcoming event, becoming an assessor or participating in other opportunities to support Alverno and our students. Current volunteer opportunities are listed below.
Questions? Contact alumnae@alverno.edu or call 414-382-6085.

Business Professionals to Mentor Alverno Business Students
Alverno College offers a new, innovative and comprehensive approach to business education by pairing students with professional coach mentors throughout their three-year academic journey. This initiative is not just an academic exercise, but a transformative journey for both students and their coaches.
This unique educational initiative bridges the gap between academic theory and practical, real-world experience, providing students with invaluable insights into various aspects of the business world.
Alverno is currently offering volunteer opportunities for business professionals to mentor students one-on-one, in groups or via in-class presentations.

Become a Volunteer Assessor for the Social Interaction Assessment
Alverno seeks volunteers for the Social Interaction Assessment. Volunteers receive training in how to interpret the criteria for each assessment, to observe student performance, and to provide feedback. The first time you assess, you will be paired up with an experienced assessor. Volunteer assessors must have a bachelor’s degree, an interest in helping students, and effective interaction skills.
Many of our assessors have been assessing for 10 years or more. What keeps them coming back?
- Assessors find it stimulating and rewarding to help students learn to judge their own performance.
- Most assessors report that the process of learning to identify constructive behaviors and providing accurate feedback makes them better supervisors. These skills help them evaluate their own efforts and those of staff and employees.
- Assessors make a unique contribution to the personal and professional development of students. For many, it is a very personal way of giving something back to the community.
If you have any questions, contact Raechel Bowersox at raechel.bowersox@alverno.edu or 414-382-6021.