Summit Schedule
Alverno College has been approved by NBCC as an approved continuing education provider, ACEP No. 7133. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Alverno College is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. (Click titles for details about each session.) |
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8:30 - 9:45am: Welcome and Keynote Speaker
Reflections on Crisis: What the Children Taught Me by Steven Dysktra, PhD, Milwaukee County Children’s Community Mental Health Services & Wraparound
*This keynote is eligible for
continuing education (CE) hour.
10:00-11:00 am: Concurrent Sessions – Round 1
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training to Promote Psychological Wellness and Competency of Pre-Service Health Professionals: A Pilot Project
- Getting Evidence-based Parenting Support from the Parenting Network
- Literacy as an integral part of equitable mental health care
11:15am-12:15pm: Concurrent Sessions - Round 2
- The Science of Breath to Reduce Stress
- Milwaukee County Crisis Services
- Bridging the K-12 / Community Divide: How mental health providers can work in conjunction with schools to support youth mental health
12:15-1:15pm: Lunch and Resource Fair
1:30-2:30pm: Concurrent Sessions - Round 3
- Youth Crisis Care: Expanding the continuum of care in a time of crisis
- Trauma and Substance Use: The Connections, the (Re) Experiences, and the Ways to Recover
Crisis Now
2:40pm: Wrap-up
Session Descriptions
Reflections on Crisis: What the Children Taught Me
Presenter: Steven Dykstra, Milwaukee County Children’s Community Mental Health Services & Wraparound Milwaukee
CE Hours: 1 Hour
Crises can be disruptive and traumatic in the moment. They often present immediate challenges that deserve our immediate response. But the immediacy of the crisis can also distract us from the way crises, and particularly repeated crises can disrupt the course of development, derailing lives, exacting what can be a crushing, long-term cost.
Dr. Dykstra will draw on principles of human development, his experience responding to thousands of crises in this community, and most importantly the lessons he learned from the children he met to guide our thoughts and attention where crisis, and particularly repeated crisis is concerned. He will share a bit about what to do, but much more about what to think and believe about how we understand and intervene in the lives of children and others.
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training to Promote Psychological Wellness and Competency of Pre-Service Health Professionals
Presenters: Lee Za Ong, Terrie Garcia, Marquette University
CE Hours: 1 Hour
A Pilot Project: We implement interdisciplinary collaborative training to promote the psychological wellness and competency of Undergraduate level BSN students and clinical mental health
counseling. We utilize a peer support model to enhance the counseling students’ group facilitation competency and nursing students’ psychological wellness. Nursing students
determine wellness topics, and we mobilize counseling students to facilitate the group experience. We hypothesize that this interdisciplinary collaborative training will have an impact on
both nursing students’ psychological wellness and counseling students’ group facilitation.
Getting Evidence-Based Parenting Support from the Parenting Network
Presenters: Patrick Fendt, Sue Volkman, The Parenting Network
CE Hours: 1 Hour
The Parenting Network has been supporting Milwaukee families since 1976. At present, 10 full time staff are Triple P Accredited Providers. TPN also has staff trained in the Parent Cafe model,
Strengthening Families 10-14, ECE-FAST, Stewards of Children, and Nurturing Parenting. Parents have different needs for support and education and their children's needs change and they grow
and develop. This workshop will provide an overview of TPN parenting programs and how they help create positive change.
Literacy as an integral part of equitable mental health care
Presenters: Leanne Delsart, Pnina Goldfarb, Theresa
Bromberek, Milwaukee County Wraparound Milwaukee
CE Hours: 1 Hour
Literacy is a key indicator of lifetime academic, physical, and financial health, and has a rightful place amongst the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). As part of the Children’s
Community Mental Health Services and Wraparound Strategic Plan, SDOH, literacy in particular, have become a primary area of focus in an effort to move the needle on disparities that impact
the youth and families we serve. Preliminary research was done to identify the need for literacy support amongst enrollees. In response to the results affirming a high level of need, we
developed a PDSA process to measure performance improvement. Participants will learn more about the connection between literacy and mental health, and the efforts underway to develop a
specific literacy assessment and targeted intervention for youth enrolled Wraparound Milwaukee.
The Science of Breath to Reduce Stress and Increase Performance-for counselors and their client
Presenters: Matt Nink, Ambrose Wilson Brown, SKY Schools / International Association for Human
CE Hours: 0
In this time of challenge, counselors, social workers, and care givers need new tools to reduce their own stress and tools to teach their clients, which can make each person an agent of their
own healing and wellbeing. Matt and Ambrose from SKY Schools will guide practitioners through exercises that will stimulate the vagas nerve, calm the mind and the body, and help you feel
better within a few minutes. They will also demonstrate ways to share these techniques with the people you serve.
Milwaukee County Crisis Services
Presenter: Hannah Keil, Andrea Nauer-Walschmidt, Danialle Wood, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health
CE Hours: 1 Hour
This workshop is designed to help participants identify, locate and access community based crisis services available to all residents of Milwaukee County, regardless of income or insurance.
Bridging the K-12 / Community Divide: How mental health providers can work in conjunction with schools to support youth mental health
Presenters: Jessica Willenbrink, Alverno College, Kai Tai (Stan) Chan, Milwaukee Public Schools, Jeff Molter, Alverno College
CE Hours: 1 Hour
Youth seek mental health support both at school and in the community. Public schools in the Milwaukee area are becoming increasingly equipped to support student mental health. We believe the
best outcomes for youth will occur when families, schools, and community mental health providers work together to prevent and ameliorate youth mental health crises. This discussion session
welcomes all mental health providers, particularly those who work with youth. School psychologists will share what local public schools are doing to support mental health. Mental health
providers are encouraged to bring questions and ideas about ways schools and community mental health providers can work together to support youth mental health.
Youth Crisis Care: Expanding the continuum of care in a time of crisis
Presenter: Leanne Delsart, Rashaan Cherry, Milwaukee County Wraparound Milwaukee
CE Hours: 0
Children’s Community Mental Health Services and Wraparound Milwaukee received a SAMHSA System of Care Grant at the onset of the pandemic and has used those resources to expand the
system of care to include the addition of two community-based programs, responsive workforce development efforts, and the addition of resource connection staff with both clinical and lived
experience. Participants in this presentation will learn more about these resources and the impact they have had on youth and families in Milwaukee.
“Trauma and Substance Use: The Connections, the (Re) Experiences, and the Ways to Recover”
Presenters: Andrew J. Schreier, Amanda Rodriguez, Community Medical Services
CE Hours: 1 Hour
Evidence shows a strong link between trauma and substance use. What about the experiences of using substances? An overlooked area of substance use is the traumatic experiences that can happen
as a result (such as an overdose). When people seek help for their trauma and substance use, they are also vulnerable to retraumatizing experiences due to stigma. Learn about how these
connections impact the person seeking help and ways to provide trauma-informed services to foster recovery.
Crisis Now
Presenter: Brianne Zaborowske, Department of Health Services
CE Hours: 1 Hour
The Crisis Now model of care is a national framework for best practices for mental health crisis care. Crisis Now focuses on an investment in community based crisis services which are able to
provide consumers with appropriate crisis services where they are. Wisconsin is working toward integrating core elements of the Crisis Now model into Wisconsin's crisis system in order to
develop a true safety net that can serve everyone, everywhere, and every time.
(Click presenters' names to see their bios.)
Resource Fair/Poster Presentation - Alumnae Hall
Please visit our exhibitors in the Resource Fair for valuable information, materials and DESSERT.
Participating organizations include:
- Alverno Admissions
- Children's Wisconsin
- Community Medical Services
- Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services
- Rogers Behavioral Health
- SKY Schools
- Wraparound Milwaukee
- Youth Crisis Stabilization Facilities
Poster Presentation
Unfriending the Apps? Examining social media usage and college students' mental health
By: Rachel Pickett, PhD, Holly Griskell, PhD, Vittoria Sipone, and Emma Lewis, Concordia University Wisconsin
The American Psychological Association (APA, 2002) recognizes social media's benefits as well as its harmful effects on young people's mental health. Research suggests social media usage is connected to anxiety and depression in children and college students (e.g., Vannucci, Flannery & Ohannessian, 2017). This poster will provide empirical data on college students' social media usage and its connection to anxiety, depression, and coping skills. In addition, potential prevention and intervention strategies will be provided.
Session Speakers
Teri Bromberek
Teri Bromberek is the System of Care Trainer for Wraparound Milwaukee. She holds a BA in Psychology from Arizona State University and an MA in Education from Concordia University Wisconsin. She has spent 15 years in the field of service, working in homes with families of newborns, in the disabilities field, as a school counselor, and in school operations. She has also been a foster parent to older children in Milwaukee County. She is certified to train Connect Suicide Prevention and Postvention, ASIST Suicide Intervention, Motivational Interviewing, 7ei Trauma Informed Care and Youth Mental Health First Aid. She has a love for learning and enjoys helping others of all ages learn and grow.
Kai Tai Chan
Kai Tai Chan Ph.D. is a school psychologist in Milwaukee Public Schools. He earned his Ph.D. in educational psychology with a specialization in school psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Kai Tai has been serving in his school-based role and collaborating between school and community mental health providers since 2017 under the school community partnership for mental health (SCPMH) model.
Rashaan Cherry
Rashaan Cherry is the Integration Manager – SOC. Ms. Cherry is responsible for ensuring that multiple grant funded projects are aligning with the overall Crisis System of Care Redesign goals. Responsibilities include integrating progress reports across multiple projects as components of the Crisis SOC redesign; creating and managing a grants dashboard including both financial and output/outcome data relevant to Crisis SOC redesign; and representing Wraparound Milwaukee at key Crisis SOC redesign convenings and collaboratives maximize in the most efficient and effective way.
Leanne Delsart, MS
Leanne Delsart is the Integrated Services Manager of Strategic Initiatives for Children’s Community Mental Health Services and Wraparound Milwaukee and Owner of LND Consulting, LLC. For the last 19 years, Leanne has worked with children and families affected by trauma, adversity, mental health and behavioral health challenges. She collaborates with the Youth Justice, Child Welfare and Education systems as a trainer in the fields of Trauma Informed Care, Systems of Care, Crisis Intervention, Suicide Intervention, ACEs, and Wraparound.
Dr. Dykstra is a licensed psychologist with over 30 years of experience serving children, adolescents, young adults, and their families in Milwaukee County. He provides training to police, firefighters, clinicians, teachers, and others locally and nationally, as well as direct clinical service and consultation. He likes to synthesize lessons learned from his experiences, and particularly the things he has learned from the children, families, and others he has served, so he can share those lessons with others who weren't lucky enough to be there or to have the same experiences.
Patrick Fendt
Patrick Fendt is a Certified Social Worker with more than 30 years of experience. He is the Director of Parent Education at the Parenting Network and has implemented Nurturing Parenting, Healthy Relationships, Celebrating Families, FAST (Families and Schools Together), Stewards of Children, Strengthening Families 10-14, RELAX Alternatives to Anger, and Triple P Programming. He is an accredited Triple P provider for Levels 2-5. Patrick earned a Master’s Degree in Community Psychology from Alverno College in 2015.
Terrie Garcia, PhD, RN
Dr. Garcia has more than 20 years’ experience working in nursing and community health. She earned her PhD in nursing from Marquette University College of Nursing. As the Director of Inclusive Excellence and Student Success Initiatives at Marquette University College of Nursing, she oversees three federally funded nursing workforce diversity/student support initiatives. Her research interests include preventing disparities among Latina by addressing health from a generational, sub-group viewpoint, and studying approaches to advocate and support nursing students from underrepresented backgrounds.
Pnina Goldfarb, Ph.D
Pnina Goldfarb came to Milwaukee in 1976 to teach at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee as a special education professor, focusing on the disciplines of emotional disturbance and child psychology. Presently, a researcher for Children's Community Mental Health Service and Wraparound Milwaukee System of Care, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Services(BHS). Her breadth of experience includes classroom teaching with school age children, adolescents, university students, and with students with both behavioral and learning needs. She has been an educational diagnostician, a school principal, and has had extensive supervisory experience of departments, programs, and staff. Dr. Goldfarb has been involved with program, curriculum and budget development, evaluation, and research. She has also presented over 100 workshops and lectures throughout the State and nationally, has been a consulting editor for 3 juried professional publications, and has published numerous articles related to youth with mental health concerns and the systems that serve them.
Jeff Molter, PhD
Dr. Molter is an assistant professor and the program director of the school psychology program at Alverno College. Jeff earned his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in Educational Psychology with a specialization in School Psychology. He also is a licensed psychologist in the state of WI with 25 years of private practice experience in the Milwaukee area. Jeff recently retired from the Milwaukee Public Schools, where he worked in a variety of roles, including Manager of Psychological Services and Allied Health.
Andrea Nauer-Walschmidt, LPC
Andrea Nauer-Waldschmidt is a Licensed Professional Counselor who has worked in crisis services for over fifteen years, across various counties and states. She has assessed and treated individuals from the point of crisis, during inpatient services, as well as on an outpatient basis and now leads clinicians who do the same. Andrea serves as a co-chair for Prevent Suicide of Greater Milwaukee and is a leader in Zero Suicide implementation at Milwaukee County. She focuses on client-centered approaches, while working with individuals who are encountering some of the most difficult times in their lives, and instilling hope.
Matt Nink, BA
Matt is the National Partnerships director for SKY Schools. He has worked as a teacher, administrator, coach, and board member at five high schools in Wisconsin and Illinois. He creates partnerships with schools and districts to improve wellness and increase performance though the SKY Schools SEL and Breathwork curriculum. Among his achievements, Matt has developed and improved many dynamic programs for students and teachers in the areas of leadership, equity and inclusion, youth empowerment, and social justice. He has conducted successful student and faculty workshops at k-12 schools and universities throughout the USA, as well as in Costa Rica, Panama, India, Nigeria, and the Dominican Republic. Matt holds a BA from Boston College and an MA from Northern Illinois University. He lives in suburban Milwaukee with his wife and family.
Lee Za Ong, PhD, CRC, LPC
Dr. Ong is an assistant professor in the Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology in Marquette University. She earned her PhD in rehabilitation psychology from UW-Madison. Dr. Ong’s current research agendas include promoting positive mental wellbeing using peer support model, and advocating social and health equity of underserved communities especially among ethnic minority individuals with disabilities. Funding sources for her research have included Rehabilitation Administration Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, and National Collegiate Athletic Association.
Amanda Rodriguez
Amanda Rodriguez has dedicated herself to helping people with substance use disorders for over 12 years. She was instrumental in developing and managing Wisconsin’s first 24/7 OTP in West Allis. Amanda serves as Community Impact Manager and has excelled at developing collaborative community projects such as the Milwaukee Overdose Response Initiative (MORI), the Opioid Fatality Review Team, providing MAT supportive services to Milwaukee County jails, corrections, and prisons, supporting therapeutic courts, and educating the community around medication-assisted treatment. Amanda continues to identify gaps in services and find solutions for individuals struggling to navigate recovery systems. Amanda graduated from Alverno College with a bachelors in Psychological Drug Counseling and graduated at Concordia University specializing in Masters of Science in Education with an emphasis on counseling. Amanda currently holds a Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor and Clinical Supervisor in Training licenses.
Andrew Schreier, LPC
Andrew J. Schreier is an Independent Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor, and International Certified Gambling Counselor. He is the Wisconsin Clinical Coordinator for Community Medical Services that provides medicated-assisted treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder. Andrew works at New Life Resources, Inc. as an individual therapist and serves on the board of directors for Your Choice to Live, Inc. and the Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling. He is the host of “Talking Addiction & Recovery” Podcast.
Sue Volkman, MA
Sue Volkman is the Director of Triple P-Positive Parenting Program© at The Parenting Network in Milwaukee, WI, where she has led numerous parent education programs for the past 8 years. She is an accredited Triple P provider in levels 2-5 and works with parents both one-on-one and in group settings. Sue received her MA from Alverno College in organizational development and adult education, and her BA from UW-Milwaukee in educational psychology. Sue is a longstanding member of ATD-SEWI.
Ambrose Wilson Brown, BA
Ambrose is the area director for SKY Schools Milwaukee. He committed his career to coaching immediately after ending his athletics career in 2003, winning the Pioneer Football League Championship at Valparaiso University. His areas of focus are exercise, nutrition, social-emotional learning, and performance with a holistic lens. Ambrose has led teams as a business owner for 12 years and in two positions as director for nonprofits. He’s worked as a volunteer, board/committee member, mentor, trainer, and coach for a number of organizations during his career. He’s been SKY Schools since 2014, serving as the local area director since 2017. Ambrose holds a BA from Valparaiso University in both History and Sports Management. The entrepreneurial bug bit him during the 2008 financial crisis when he decided to start an LLC, MISPIBO Fitness.
Jessica Willenbrink, PhD
Dr. Willenbrink is an assistant professor in the school psychology program. She earned her PhD in educational psychology with a specialization in school psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Prior to becoming a school psychologist, Jessica was a special education teacher in Milwaukee Public Schools. She has experience working as a practitioner in both the community and in schools. She has worked as a school psychologist in a local school district and was a postdoctoral research associate in the University of Wisconsin’s school psychology program.
Danialle Wood
Danialle earned a Master’s Degree in Community Psychology from Alverno College in 2018 and has over 10 years of experience working with individuals, in the community, experiencing mental health and/or substance use concerns. She currently works with Milwaukee County Behavioral Health as an Emergency Services Clinician on the Crisis Assessment Response Team (CART). As a CART clinician, Danialle works, in collaboration with law enforcement, to respond to mental health related calls for service to assess, stabilize, refer and support both youth and adults, as well as their families, in mental health and/or substance use crisis.
Brianne Zaborowske, LCSW
Brianne Zaborowske is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Wisconsin and works as the Lead Crisis Coordinator in the Division of Care and Treatment Services at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Brianne has worked in the field of community mental health for over 15 years, the last 9 of them being specific to crisis. Having started her crisis career as an overnight phone worker, Brianne has worked in all areas of the crisis continuum and enjoys working to improve services for people in Wisconsin.