The Library has a limited number of laptops for checkout to students. Check on laptop availability at the main desk in the Library, 2nd floor, North in the FO building. There are several laptops with wireless internet capability; and a small number w/o internet capability. The loan period is 72 hours. Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are non-renewable. Overdue Fines are $1 per hour (that the library is open) with a maximum fine of $75.
Students who wish to “renew” laptops are asked to return the laptop and wait at least one hour before borrowing the laptop again. The one hour waiting period gives other students a chance to borrow the laptop.
Media Hub
The Media Hub has a limited number of laptops and iPads for student use. To check out a piece of equipment, come to the Media Hub with a valid Alverno ID with an Alverno Library barcode on the back. Equipment availability information and renewals are not given over the phone. The loan period is 72 hours. Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis and are non-renewable. A $1 per hour late fee, including hours the Media Hub is closed, will be charged if the equipment is not returned on the due date.