Your Next Step

Take the next step with us!

Your future is waiting. Let's get you ready!


“At Alverno, everyone is very connected and supportive. My professors are very involved, and my advisors help me navigate my education.”

— Jessica, psychology major, class of 2021

Enrollment deposit how-to:

  • You will need to use the username and password issued to you when you received your acceptance package in the mail. If you have any questions about this, please contact Technology Services at 414-382-6336 or you can contact Admissions at 414-382-6100.
  • Once you successfully log in, click on "Student Finance" and the option to pay your $100 enrollment deposit will appear. Click on the "select" box on the left. This will automatically populate $100.00 in the right column. Scroll to the top of the screen and choose payment method. A new screen will appear called "Payment Review." Click on the "Pay Now" button and enter the required fields to process your payment.
  • By making this deposit, which goes toward your tuition, we will guarantee you a spot.

Next steps after you pay your enrollment deposit:

  • Watch your email and mail for further announcements about orientation this summer.
  • Schedule a meeting with a financial aid counselor. Please call 414-382-6262 or email
  • Apply for housing. We encourage first-year students to live on campus. Our 2021-22 housing application is available at
  • Learn more about our bypass exams. Save money and time by successfully completing assessments that allow you to bypass some introductory courses. Our Assessment and Outreach Center is your go-to spot for all of our bypass assessments. 

Share your Alverno school pride!

Check out this list of songs from our Alverno playlist.

Is Alverno Not in Your Future?

Is Alverno not in your future? Please click here to let us know.