Mathematics (MT) major

Mathematics majors are highly valued for their analytical thinking and problem solving abilities. Alverno's mathematics faculty are dedicated to helping you make clear connections between mathematics theory and real world applications. Class sizes and pedagogical design allow for continuous student-faculty interaction, making Alverno an ideal place to study mathematics.

Prerequisite Requirements
MT-123College Algebra3
MT-148Functions & Modeling3
Beginning Requirements
MT-152Calculus 14
MT-221Discrete Structures & Algorithms3
MT-253Calculus 24
Intermediate Requirements
MT-254Calculus 34
MT-255Linear Algebra4
MT-256Probability and Statistics4
MT-399Formal Introduction to Advanced Work0
MT-268Intro to Python Programming4
MT-260Introduction/Mathematical Problem Solvng2
Advanced Requirements
INTERN-383Internship Seminar2
MT ElectiveMath (MT) Electives, upper level12
MT-345College Geometry3
or MT-347 Modern Algebra
or MT-460 Introduction to Real Analysis
MT-449Mathematical Portfolio1